Insurance Insights
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October 31, 2024 |

A disaster can occur at any time. Whether it’s a more tangible risk such as criminal activity, or an unexpected event such as terrorism or a natural disaster, businesses need to be prepared.

August 5, 2024 |

The typical manufacturing workplace is a flurry of activity with many workers performing different operations simultaneously. One of the easiest ways to keep this activity running smoothly and with high levels of safety and efficiency is to practice good workplace housekeeping. The three tips below are best practices to consistently promote in the workplace.

July 19, 2024 |

Companies that are committed to reducing worker’s compensation costs should place strong emphasis on developing a comprehensive safety program that’s compliant with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. This type of program can yield significant cost savings and – more importantly – help minimize workplace injuries and illnesses.

April 29, 2024 |

It is a well-established fact that the use of a cellphone while driving presents a distraction that greatly increases the chance for an accident. This has led a growing number of states to implement laws that prohibit drivers from the “hands on” use of a cell phone while operating a vehicle. Unfortunately, what too many people fail to take into consideration is how distracting cell phones and other electronic devices can be in the workplace.

December 21, 2023 |

The term “one size fits all” has no place in the world of safety gloves. When it comes to sizing up the right glove – one that will allow you to work both safely and efficiently – you must take several considerations into account. The idea is to balance the amount of protection needed with the glove’s characteristics to determine the best option for the task at hand.

August 15, 2023 |

When it comes to ensuring the health and safety of workers in the manufacturing industry, the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) cannot be overstated.

May 17, 2023 |

When it comes to keeping workers safe on the job, nothing is more important than head protection. In the manufacturing arena, head injuries may be caused by falling, flying or fixed objects. When these types of injuries occur, they can lead to significant head trauma or even irreversible, long-term damage.

September 29, 2022 |

Sprains and strains are among the most frequent injuries in manufacturing. The majority of sprains and strains result from lifting, being hit by fallen objects or even an unfortunate misstep. It’s important to note, however, that injuries of this nature can often be avoided when workers exercise a simple step or two of caution.

May 25, 2022 |

Today, the equipment used in manufacturing operations is safer than ever. But in order to ensure maximum protection against occupational injuries and fatalities, you need to make the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) your number one priority.

March 25, 2022 |

Suppose a customer asks your company to manufacture a part based on certain specifications, which are outlined in a contract. He needs to add the part to his product and ship it to his customers by a set deadline.

December 21, 2021 |

The machines used in today’s manufacturing operations are designed to maximize worker safety. Yet, even the newest, most modern equipment can be vulnerable from a safety perspective. For example, some of the most dangerous hazards on the work floor exist around a machine’s point of operation, such as the blade of a saw or the slide of a power press.

November 16, 2021 |

Warehouse workers spend much of their day lifting, carrying and transporting heavy objects. It only takes one mistake to sustain a serious, long-term injury due to improper lifting technique. The following safety tips provide helpful ergonomic guidelines for lifting any size load. Share them with your warehouse workers and consider posting them at your facility.

May 20, 2021 |

The value of a comprehensive safety culture cannot be overstated when it comes to reducing workplace illnesses and injuries, and their associated costs. But creating such a culture is not an overnight process or “flavor of the month” program. Instead, it is a multi-year, top-management commitment that results in an organization with low accident rates, low turnover, low absenteeism and high productivity. This is a big-picture, long-term project.

March 17, 2021 |

Any business owner will tell you an effective sprinkler system is without question the best first line of defense should a workplace fire occur. But a sprinkler system alone is only part of the fire protection picture. An equally important addition that every sprinkler system should have is something not every business owner is familiar with – a fire department connection (FDC).

February 3, 2021 |

The number of accidents across the manufacturing industry is much lower today than in decades past. Yet, the unfortunate truth is that many on-the-job accidents can still be avoided by focusing on safe practices and taking necessary precautions.

January 26, 2021 |

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the leading contributor to sick days is back pain, which costs businesses in both workers and productivity. In fact, a recent CDC study revealed back injuries cost employers $1,685 per employee every year. On a national level, this equates losses north of $225 billion annually.

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