Auto Insights
Simple Tips to Stay One Step Ahead of Car Thieves
Simple Tips to Stay One Step Ahead of Car Thieves
The vehicles on the road today have become increasingly advanced with each passing model year. Yet, as a whole, they’re relatively easy to steal. With this in mind, we put together the following theft prevention guidelines. Each tip is designed to help you reduce the risk of getting your vehicle stolen.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended while it’s running.
- Never leave your keys in the vehicle, even inside a locked garage.
- Always roll up your windows and lock the vehicle, even if it is in front of your home.
- Always park in a high-traffic, well-lit area, if possible.
- Consider anti-theft devices—such as steering wheel locks or fuel cut-off switches.
- If you park in a fee garage, take the pay ticket with you.
- Have your vehicle identification number (VIN) etched into each piece of glass on the vehicle as a deterrent.
- Consider purchasing a vehicle alarm system if you live in a high-theft area or drive a theft-prone vehicle. Display an alarm decal near the door handle.
- If you use valet parking, leave just the ignition key with the attendant.
- Copy your license plate and VIN numbers on a card and keep them on you with your driver’s license. If your vehicle is stolen, police will need this information promptly.
The Value of Vehicle Security Devices
Installing a mechanical device that locks to your steering wheel, column or brake pedal to prevent the wheel from being turned more than a few degrees can act as a highly visible physical deterrent for potential thieves if installed properly.
If you are considering implementing such a device—or any vehicle security device—on your vehicle, be sure to purchase the product from a quality brand or company and consult a trusted auto mechanic for proper installation.
Learn More From An Auto Insurance Leader
For more information about preventing auto theft, reach out to the vehicle security experts at VTC Insurance Group. Give us a call at 248.828.3377 or visit vtcins.com.
This blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.