Workers’ Compensation

Not just a business necessity, Workers’ Compensation coverage can be very good business… when it is expertly administered.
That’s where VTC Insurance Group comes in. That same driven, focused analysis and program development that characterizes all VTC insurance services, applies to Workers’ Compensation as well. Because one size never fits all.
The VTC Workers’ Compensation insurance team features experts in the areas of OSHA, healthcare, loss control, compensation, pre-employment testing, internal communications, and corollary disciplines. Working in lock-step with your risk manager or HR professional, they engineer a program that’s optimized for your specific operation – to protect you, your employees, and your bottom line.
- Employee Health Needs Analysis
- Comprehensive Claim Reviews And Claims Advocacy
- Experience Modification Forecasting And Management
- On-Site Loss Control Evaluations
- Wellness Program and Safety Campaign Development
- OSHA 10- and 30-Hour Training
More Than Insurance Coverage: Alternative Strategies
Our objectives are two-fold. First, to provide precise-fit insurance coverage options that protect you and your staff. Second, and simultaneously, to implement risk management strategies that will control and even lower your costs. Strategies like:
- End-To-End Facility Health And Safety Programs
- Captive Programs
- Loss Control Management
- Managing Your Experience Modification Rating Factor For Maximum Credit
- Optimizing Claims Management And Reporting
- Optimizing Incident And Certificate Tracking
- Self-Insured Workers' Compensation, Retroactive Programs, and Large-Deductible Programs
Safety Manual
For information on Workforce Safety and the VTC Insurance Group Safety Proposition, click here.
Loss Control
The first step in avoiding any insurance claim is knowing that one is possible. With VTC’s Coordinated Loss Control services, you’ll know. You’ll have the advance knowledge to help avert that risk and avoid a potentially costly incident. Having a comprehensive analysis and Loss Control action plan in place has been shown to reduce on-the-job illness and injury by as much as 40 percent. A VTC-coordinated Loss Control program can make a dramatic difference – on your bottom line, on your employee morale, on your company reputation and brand. Here are some of the initiatives we engage for your program:
- Overall Analysis Of Your Loss Control And Safety Needs
- Facilities Review / Site Survey
- Custom Health and Safety Training Programs
- A Comprehensive Safety Library And Resource Center
- Corporate Wellness Programs And Guidance
- Internal Health and Safety Communication Program